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Shrine Of The Salamander
A Flame In The North
A Shadow In The North
Escape Neuburg Keep
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The Ravages Of Fate
Nye's Song
A Knight's Trial
Return To G15-275
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The Curse Of Drumer
The Word Fell Silent
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Wrong Way Go Back
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Isle Of The Cyclops
The Cold Heart Of Chaos
The Black Lobster
Impudent Peasant!
Curse Of The Yeti
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Bodies In The Docks
House Of Horror
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Midnight Deep
Lair Of The Troglodytes
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Mon Sep 25 18:02:06 2023
Planet Of The Spiders
Did I forget to post the proofreading entry after it failed to fit the word count as usual, or did it just get caught up in the filter again? Either way...


Sun Sep 24 08:23:48 2023
Planet Of The Spiders
Star - optimum ending reached

All I have to say is: how is this rated "medium" in difficulty, again? Yes, it's not as arbitrary as the first one, where you have something like a 16% chance of failing midway through REGARDLESS of your stats (with an additional chance of failing due to poor skill alone) and THEN an additional, completely unavoidable 33% chance of failing that's due to completely arbitrary limitations alone


Yet, it ultimately has an extremely narrow path to victory all the same, where only a couple of deviations are TECHNICALLY allowed, yet in practice leave you with negligible chances of winning fairly, and you have to make incredibly arbitrary guesses to find out the true path.


I decided to check the other works' ratings here again, and altogether, they feel less explicable than ever. Completely trivial Curse Of The Yeti and Any Port In A Storm are rated with the same difficulty as this one? HOW?! So are A Saint Beckons, Beggars Of Blacksand, Below Zero Point, Bloodsworth Bayou and Garden of Bones, which do have some trap paths, but it's way, way easier to spot them and you spend much, much less time on them before getting to the right path, which is trivial. Hunger Of The Wolf and Shrine Of The Salamander are a bit harder than those, but still much easier than this one: you are much less likely to find yourself guessing "what am I doing wrong now?"

I am also REALLY unsure about A Knight's Trial, A Princess Of Zamarra, Midnight Deep and Rebels Of The Dark Chasms rated harder than this one. I feel that they are at most the same. Maybe it's hindsight speaking, but the House of Horror felt much easier: once you get to the wrong path which gives you meta-knowledge (which I don't THINK requires anything much more than to stumble upon the right room), then winning becomes a matter of passing a LUCK check and not getting mauled too badly in an even-skill fight early on (plus making the right choice close to the end, obviously) with the rest largely sorted by then. And the only thing which makes Bodies in the Docks even close to "fairly hard" is the balancing of the final fights, so you at most need to throw a few runs against the wall doing the same things until the dice fall in your favour.

Fri Sep 22 19:39:38 2023
Wrong Way Go Back
Star - optimum ending reached
Oh, and just making sure to leave a starred comment, I guess, since I have already moved on to the second installment earlier.

Fri Sep 22 19:35:26 2023
The Curse Of Drumer

And well, this was quite fast. By now, I went through every other one of your digitized adventures on here, sometimes over a month ago - but this is the very first time I receive a reply, and only hours later.

Yes, writing requires time and effort. So do a lot of things. By now, there are tens of thousands of video games you can download for free - and I am NOT talking about piracy or even abandonware. Often, their creators had to think about code, writing, art and music all at once. There's also the effort that goes into assembling even a short live-action film, or a full-length machinima, and many, many people have done those things for free as well. Let's just move on.

With your second response, I would like to mention theory of mind, if I may.


Lastly, worry not - I would not have committed myself to the effort of going through everything digitized on this website if I did not harbour the ambitions of writing one or more myself. I have certainly learned a lot about what to do (and what not to do) from the authors here, and barring unforeeseen circumstances, I intend to put that to good use, sooner rather than later.

P.S. A reminder to FFProject that one of my posts on this thread is still caught up in the filter?

Fri Sep 22 18:33:16 2023
Wrong Way Go Back
Well, I did have to eventually resort to consulting this section to go through this - but only because of the interface. I think the only other time when "Continue" wasn't just "go to next ref" (like it is here too, by the time you are about to reach 100, or if your pockets get full when looting the locker) and had actually meant "USE an item now or die later" was in Hellfire, and I completely forgot about it. Almost as awkard as A Flame in the North suddenly caring about the difference between owned and equipped at the very end.

Or perhaps, I thought that if he can call out the code automatically, he would figure out how to try the screwdriver on his own, and that what I was really lacking was the right combination of a power pack and a connecting cable (or two power packs in case it needed combined power, or even grease if that's what would help the screws) for it to occur automatically once it got assembled.

For that matter, there was also a period of guessing that the robot dog blowing some stuff up with missiles could reveal something useful later on, or even that the medbay sobering you up was a necessary precondition to enabling the ship's controls. Oh well.

Not sure what to say about the rest. A lot of it is certainly amusing, but other moments, like the Titanic reference or the twist, are way too ludicrous for the few laughs they add. Together with that mandatory fight with an effectively equal chance of insta-winning or insta-losing, it kinda cancels out.

The now-traditional section.


Robert Douglas
Thu Sep 21 22:09:16 2023
The Curse Of Drumer

I'd also like to point out some flaws in the points you made throughout the second paragraph:


Robert Douglas
Thu Sep 21 21:23:53 2023
The Curse Of Drumer
Hello YARD,

Thanks for giving The Curse of Drumer a read. It's good to see enthusiasm from fellow fans, and constructive criticism is indeed welcome, in particular regarding gameplay and mechanics. It is important to get a balance. However, speaking of balance, you do yourself need to observe a certain degree of decorum with far less frustration when listing aspects which need work or improvement.

While I do understand your reading TCOD required several hours of your time, please remember planning and writing a standard 400-ref gamebook is at least ten times that amount. Furthermore, while it is done voluntarily, as a hobby, authors contributing to this website are not paid, unlike those within FF, Lone Wolf, and other series. While I'm absolutely fine with that, barbed reviews sting far more on here than on, for example, an Amazon listing - because at least the author is getting paid for their time and trouble. And a customer has a right to feel annoyed when spending a fiver or so on a book they ended up not enjoying. But even world-famous, wealthy paid artists (authors, illustrators, actors, rocks stars, etc) can struggle with difficult reviews. The late, great comedian Les Dawson mentioned in an interview that, during his early stage years, he received some hurtful comments - when his only 'crime' was to make people laugh - and not many were supportive nor positive towards his career in any way.

That you were 'mystified' by comments made by other FF fans in this thread, the answer is really quite simple: most of them enjoyed TCOD for what it was, while you clearly didn't. Fair enough! But if you can do any better, then please, go ahead and show us how it's done....

Thu Sep 21 17:56:30 2023
House Of Horror
I suppose I also want to say that ref 333 arguably sets up a bit of a false expectation. You know, the ref with this paragraph.

"The books are set in a plain black binding. They are written in a strange, unfamiliar language, somewhat similar to Latin, as far as you can tell. Flipping through the pages, you spot several disturbing illustrations - faceless beings, writhing on the ground as if in great pain; an opened box with a whirlpool of ghastly clawed things (demons?) springing out; and one of a robed man holding a star shaped crystal that seems to be shooting out a bolt of searing light straight at a group of hideous and evil looking beings standing nearby."

From that, I really assumed that


Thu Sep 21 17:50:58 2023
The Curse Of Drumer
And of course, proofreading.


Thu Sep 21 17:30:51 2023
The Curse Of Drumer
On the other hand, the "main path" is just completely illogical. To wit:


Then again,


Thu Sep 21 17:16:22 2023
The Curse Of Drumer
For that matter, that scene is also a hot mess: ref 265 says you have a torch from the start, yet you instead fight with a torch the cultist dropped, after trying to stab (?) you with it, instead of just attacking with a dagger immediately, like he does after losing the torch anyway. (And no, I have to assume the torch was electric, since you get the same reference to "flickering" regardless of whether or not you have a flashlight, and while holding both a shotgun and a flashlight is iffy, I don't even want to think about the mechanics of holding a shotgun and a wooden torch.)

Meanwhile, if you have a shotgun, then the only reason the torturer survives for long enough to be killed later on (unless you fail a sudden LUCK and SKILL check, which is all too possible, and one of the biggest barriers to lower-stat characters here) is because he manages to survive a shotgun blast by hiding behind a brazier then kicking it in your direction. Apparently, a brazier is not only bulletproof, but isn't going to wobble and spill any hot coals after getting shot at whatsoever, unlike when it's kicked. Similarly, your shotgun apparently has a range of 6 meters or so (I'll let you look up real-life ranges yourself) as you do not even TRY to shoot at a high priest when he is close enough to converse with you without difficulty. As I said, the narrative logic around firearms didn't seem to go remotely beyond "blasting cultists with big gun cool!" You do have to go through a SKILL check every time you shoot, though, just like in Bodies in the Docks (wouldn't be surprised if it was a direct inspiration.) The difference is that Bodies in the Docks didn't have scenes like ref 338 here


- ALL OF WHICH happens without a single skill check. The difference between that, and a skill check fest that is the shootout with two fireball-flinging flying demons (who somehow continue to toss two fireballs at once, which must be dodged individually, even AFTER you destroyed one of them already) is very apparent. This doesn't have THAT big of an issue with long choice-free stretches when compared to most other Douglas' works, but these "pure Hollywood" refs where the character suddenly stops needing the dice and carries out feats many times more complex than the ones he just needed skill checks moments earlier, on autopilot, are incredibly out of place.

It doesn't help that pretty much as soon as you are out of the mansion's ruins (which happens quite quickly), and find characters in addition to Jimmy, the dialogue is either exposition or incredibly cringeworthy sub-Whedonite banter all the time. Jimmy at first stands in place and has a breakdown over father's death while cultists are trying to break through the door, then forgets effectively ALL about it and his personality is reduced to saying "bonnie" in EVERY OTHER SENTENCE. Unfortunately, out of the two paths to victory, it is the far more obvious one that brings you into contact with more people and forces you to suffer through far more dialogue and plot holes. The other path is just much, much better narratively, though it is sadly much less hospitable to characters without max SKILL, and still has some weirdness (317 instakills you even if you DO have the weapon which works in all the "adjacent" refs?)

Thu Sep 21 16:21:07 2023
The Curse Of Drumer
Star - optimum ending reached
I have played this right after a House of Horror, almost as a double feature of a sort. After all, both are related to the same canon gamebook, House of Hell.

I'll say that reading the comments here after beating this might be the most mystified I have ever felt on here. One reason was all the discussion about a really simple puzzle early on, (though it seems like it used to be worse than it is right now?) and effectively nothing about everything else in those early stretches. To me, this work is almost every bit as as the House of Horror is good, and nearly everything redeeming about it comes way down the line. The background and early refs in this one are effectively the absolute worst out of every gamebook I have seen here - and by now, that's nearly all of them.

For starters, we literally do not know anything about his friends, Scott and Jimmy from that background and have no idea what that "important meeting" at a ruined house was meant to be about. All we see is the player character doing something obviously idiotic, yet we are supposed to care? The later revelation that they were all crims somewhat explains the venue, yet it effectively means that the protagonist blurted out the location of their secret criminal meeting to everybody at the pub, for zero good reason, so it at best replaces one idiocy with another. We never really learn why those two decided to pick that specific spot, or why they chose to arrive there days earlier, so all of Jimmy's whining rings particularly hollow.

Then, FF struggles to integrate guns at the best of times, for sure, but the approach here is even more arbitrary than that of Bodies in the Docks. The first proper action scene, at 181, is an accidental masterclass in incoherence. At the start, we are told that there are "a dozen" cultists (i.e. 12 at most, including the leader.) Yet, by the time we run past ALL OF THEM to the Land Rover, there are only two in the vicinity and a dog (which we shoot through our own windscreen, yet it apparently does not die.) We shoot one point-blank, the other one manages to struggle for control of the shotgun, the missed shot from shatters the leg of what is apparently another acolyte (since the first one would already be dead?).

Then, you somehow manage to hold onto the shotgun with one hand (even while the acolyte is pulling at it with two?) as you are unsheathing a knife that is now at your belt (even though the preceding ref 98 only mentions it being in your bag, and doesn’t describe you clipping it on) and stabbing with it. Then, you are pushing that guy who is heavily wounded in the stomach into a charging acolyte. (Which charging acolyte? Presumably not the one you shot point-blank or the one whose leg was shattered) So, we somehow go from dozen cultists, to two, to at least four, of whom three would be dead or incapacitated by them (while the high priest is just...forgotten about). Further, you STILL have 13 shotgun shells left at that point - more than there are cultists you could see, and apparently, none of them had any guns! Yet, instead of doing the reasonable thing and shooting them all, you "keep the smoking barrel trained in their general direction whilst darting back towards the relative safety of the ruins". Relative safety FROM WHAT?! If you are the only one who has the gun, for whatever reason, (since nobody shot at you while you were running to Land Rover in the first place - although some cultists do use guns later on), then out in the open you have range to use it. Someone had already tried to grab at your gun once, and the ruins would only give more chances to do just that.

This incredible looseness with setting out the parameters of each encounter (something which the subsequent Robert Douglas works were MUCH better at), makes the chase scenes afterwards feel nonsensical. You, a guy with a shotgun, and Jimmy, can end up hiding in a skull pit from three guys and a demon dog (of course, if you fail, you suddenly get instakilled with a crossbow). There's also a passageway narrow enough for you to shoot at them one by one if you tried - but you have to flee regardless. Yet, later on, you HAVE to fight six guys at once in melee, in the darkness, and you apparently win. It's just totally nonsensical.

Some, initial, aversion to killing COULD help explain this: after all, a criminal doesn't mean a murderer (and committing a lone murder and standing and shooting at a crowd are different things anyway). It doesn't, though, since that's the one thing the protagonist clearly DOESN'T feel. It takes until ref 10, more than halfway into the story, for our character to make ANY comment about anyone he just killed - and it's about the least sympathetic torturer cultist, to (justifiably) say he doesn't care. If you avoid taking a shotgun (you shouldn't) you can get a scene where he beats a cultist to death with a flashlight, with a hilarious lack of emotion.

Thu Sep 21 14:33:37 2023
House Of Horror
Finally, proofreading.


Thu Sep 21 14:29:35 2023
House Of Horror
Star - optimum ending reached

It's a little hard to talk at length about what makes this work so good, because on the first glance, it is after all, "just" a story about a guy trapped in a mansion worshipping an evil demon. Yet, it is remarkably well-balanced: great pacing (it doesn't even take that long to work out how to get to the "second-best" failure ending), good scene-setting writing (ref 11 is an exception, being rather too straightforward), and consistently interesting encounters. This includes both the obstacles, and the more talkative characters. In particular, I dreaded approaching the room with Aldo and Anna because (ghostly) kids are often a one-note chore in horror, yet it's a surprisingly great moment!

The best character was definitely Anselmo, though, and I doubt I was the only who thought that way! I really like that this story was unafraid to have a bit of humour like that football fan, and actually make it work within the context of the story. (Which still features plenty of unexpected pain like what your character can suffer at 405, or ref 79.) Likewise, I LOVE refs 23 and 144. That kind of a bait is bit of a low blow, I guess, but is still hilarious. Even more so when considering you literally need meta knowledge from failed runs to win - and the writing itself acknowledges that.

Yet, the difficulty felt just about right altogether - I won this without having to resort to checking the guestbook (let alone "right-clicking"/bookmarking), and I really don't think this should be marked as the same difficulty as Phil Sadler's two gamebooks. Perhaps it's just me getting better at these things, but then again, Golem Gauntlet (also marked "hard" here) was one of the first ones I have beaten, and I have also done that without hints. Both of them can be won just through the process of eliminating wrong options (although Golem Gauntlet does feature some brutal skill checks), and neither has ANYTHING like the requirement to USE a limited resource at very specific refs to win - a resource which can be wasted pointlessly, or even in a way which seems to benefit you only to fail later on (Metal Sentinel, anyone?) Not to mention that neither has anywhere near that many trap items, or the ability to exchange quest-crucial items for useless ones without knowing the difference. Perhaps a "very hard" category just for the Hellfire/Riders of the Storm pair is in order?

Anyway, for this work, if there's a particular flaw with the writing, I would say it's how our character is an insurance agent or something, yet his emotional response to fighting and killing others in combat is about the same as that of basically all the hardened adventurers of Titan (i.e. none.) A very common flaw to be sure, but I still feel the need to mention that. There are also a few moments where the writing feels a little constrained, but thankfully a lot less than in most comparable works. I.e.


A few mechanical issues.


Thu Sep 21 05:05:01 2023
A Day In The Life
Star - optimum ending reached
Short but fun!

Wed Sep 20 11:15:42 2023
Escape The Asylum
Star - optimum ending reached

Wed Sep 20 05:02:57 2023
Bodies In The Docks
I should also say that while the internal monologue is pretty great on the optional paths, it crosses over into outright frustrating on the main.


Last not least, proofreading.


Wed Sep 20 04:56:06 2023
Bodies In The Docks
To be fair, this work does do one thing very well, and that is in its descriptions of urban decay and post-WWI malaise. I think only a few works here (Outsider!, The Ravages of Fate, The Word Fell Silent, Flame in the North and perhaps The Diamond Key once I get to it) can claim a comparable level of insight. Unfortunately, though, a large fraction of that can only be seen in the skippable branches (i.e. if you take the train on one attempt and drive on the other, if you see all three of the town's inns, and if you go to the police station, the doctor, the bar, or the docks), and the main path is MUCH less interesting, as you really only need to do ONE thing to finally start fighting the cultists. Worse, unlike many other works on here, where optional encounters give items or information that directly benefits you on the main path, here, it's all irrelevant. In fact, those encounters actually make cohesion WORSE, as they are ignored on the main path. I.e.


And there's a lot more weirdness if you either do things in a slightly different order than intended, or just pay more attention than the author himself apparently did.


Wed Sep 20 04:09:31 2023
Bodies In The Docks
Star - optimum ending reached
I have to be honest, I think this might be the most overrated work on here. After all, it is the only one which is explicitly mentioned in the FAQ, which does raise the expectations for it, rightly or wrongly. I guess that at the time, it benefited from a massive novelty factor, since there was next to no interactive media based on Lovecraft then: even Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth was still about a year away, and apparently, there were only really Infogrames' Shadow of the Comet and Prisoner of the Ice. Granted, the great Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem was already out in 2002, but as a lesser-known game on a lesser-known console and strictly speaking, it was "inspired by", rather than directly based on.

Nowadays, though, we have seen a veritable boom in Lovecraft media during the second half of the 2010s, and that includes more video games I can name. The most famous ones, of course, is another "inspired by" console exclusive, Bloodborne, followed by Darkest Dungeon, but there have been plenty more works mining the mythos directly with variable degrees of success, such as the more modern Call of Cthulhu, The Sinking City, Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones, Lovecraft's Untold Stories, Moons of Madness or the freely available Infra Arcana. I could keep going indefinitely, as there are literally dozens more examples: just a few months ago, there was a highly acclaimed Lovecraftian fishing game called DREDGE. My point is that with this benefit of hindsight, there's just so little to it.

Some of the issues with it could probably be blamed on being intended as part of a trilogy that never came to be: hence a substantial fraction of skills being potentially useful in the future yet useless in the here and now. By my estimation, Chemistry, Biology, Navigation and Acute Hearing/Eyesight all fall into this category, while Brawling and Driving are right next to them, since they only seem to have any influence on a completely skippable encounter, and even then, not having them barely impedes your progress.

If you are feeling generous, some others may be written off on the internet still being young and less-useful for doing research at the time: i.e. it's pretty obvious Simon Osborne chose Portsmouth because its name matched Innsmouth the closest, and didn't look much further into it, but I am not sure if it would have been all that easy to bring up Portsmouth's historical maps back in 2004 as it was in 2019, when Yaztromo did that and proved that Portsmouth's actual geography makes the story impossible. Similarly, ref 83 mentions ammo smuggling: much of the German ammunition wasn't even compatible in the first place (i.e. 7.92mm bullets vs. 7.62mm), but I am not sure if it was as easy to look it up in 2004 as it is now.

Many other issues are just bad design, however. I.e. it's equally ridiculous that Knife Use gives you a whole MACHETE, which apparently no-one minds seeing on the belt of your detective/doctor/gangster, and yet, the only difference between that, and being completely bare-handed, is whether you enter melee combat at -3 or -2 modifier, while Cultists' knives are at +1? REALLY?!

And it also seems like there's absolutely no point in taking a Handgun skill, since you can always just take an Elephant Gun (or a Tommy Gun, I guess) and there is no apparent downside - not in the tight quarters, not in terms of ammo (infinite for all weapons), and no-one seems to mind you walking all over the place with those massive firearms. It was funny when at 86, your coat gets taken, and your Tommy Gun is just out in the open, which nobody minds, but this is even funnier with the Elephant Gun.

Integrating firearms into FF is quite a struggle, to be sure, but gun-wielders taking a shot or two at most and then charging into the fray for literally no reason (whether during the ambush on the beach, when it's the cultists who do that, or the next potential fight, where it's YOU who decides to charge a knife-wielding cultist even if you do not have a melee weapon) is a particularly arbitrary way of doing that. Then again, it's also arbitrary that both those first two cultists and the third one seem to be equipped with the same kind of knife, yet you can only loot it from the third cultist - apparently that was the only way to make that encounter seem worthwhile.

Tue Sep 19 06:49:09 2023
Devil's Flight

One thing I do like is that you cannot render yourself completely safe to any skill checks. I had a run where the virtual dice have really hated me, and so even with 10 Perception and Cybernetics, I still failed three of those checks in a row. For a horror game, that feels appropriate, and the ultimately optimal build to maximize your odds of victory


is just the right kind of counter-intuitive.
